Looking for a Good Neighborhood
A good neighborhood is essential for living in peace. If our neighborhoods are noisy, dangerous, hot, do not have trees, and are crowded, we will not live in physical peace.
The gallery of Dhammakaya Melbourne Temple in Australia held the First Sunday Ceremony of Offering alms to the Lord Buddha
The gallery of Dhammakaya Melbourne Temple in Australia held the First Sunday Ceremony of Offering alms to the Lord Buddha.
Sustainable Ethical Development
Sustainable Ethical Development Program
Playing with Fire
I was introduced to the Dhammakaya Temple because of my occupation as a journalist. I was asked to do a news report on the Dhammakaya Temple. The atmosphere during that time was very serious because there were many negative news reports against the temple. It seemed suspicious to people.
Dokmaiban Meditation Program
If you are looking for a meditation program, Dokmaiban Meditation program is your answer. We have three meditation places for you. For more information, please read the details.